Thanksgiving Safety Tips to Pass Along to Your Tenants

Between kitchen accidents resulting in residential fires to road collisions for those traveling to gatherings, Thanksgiving is one of the most dangerous days for accidents in the United States. 

For landlords, Thanksgiving is a critical time to remind tenants of safety tips and rules to ensure they have a fun holiday while protecting themselves and your property.  

Explore four safety tips to pass along to your tenants this Thanksgiving. Contact Certain Management’s professional property management team in New Orleans to implement safety procedures for your tenants year-round.

  1. Your Parking Rules 

Thanksgiving dinner usually means many people drive to a house to spend the day. There may be a need for additional or separate parking to reduce potential accidents or inconveniences for drivers. Remind tenants of areas where guests can park to enable other residents to safely enter and exit their homes. 

Have your property management team send a friendly email with a reminder before the holidays and ensure all parking signs are posted and legible for visitors.

  1. Watch Out for Overloading Electronics

Preparations for Thanksgiving are often done in the kitchen, which can easily overcrowd the area with slow cookers, griddles, electric frying pans, and other electronic cooking devices. Add in other holiday necessities like decorations, curling irons for getting ready, phones, and TVs, and there may be an issue with overloading electronics. 

Remind tenants to limit the number of appliances used at one time and encourage them to use power strips rather than overloading a single outlet which could cause electrical outages or possibly fire. Your property management team can implement fire safety precautions to prevent possible damage from occurring.

  1. Be Careful When Deep Frying Turkeys

A quickly-growing turkey cooking trend is deep frying in a large vat of oil. Despite its popularity, this is one of the most dangerous cooking methods. A large amount of oil combined with an open flame can cause a massive fire that is virtually impossible to control. 

Remind tenants to place the fryer at least 10 feet from any building, not to overfill the pot with oil, and never to leave it unattended. If you own a historic property, communal apartment complex, or condominium, you may need to inform tenants that they can’t deep fry turkeys on the premises for safety reasons. 

  1. Prepare for or Avoid Open Flames Inside

Holiday decorations often include candles or other open flames. The holidays typically mean more people inside the house, including additional children or animals that may jostle a table or accidentally knock over a candle. Even if you have no regulations about open flames for tenants, you may want to remind them of the dangers of candles, smoking, or other fire hazards. 

Discuss fire safety with your tenants, reminding them to check fire extinguishers and how to use them in the case of an emergency. Have your property management team check all fire alarms and sprinklers, and ensure all entryways and exits are open and clearly marked.

Protect Your Property with Condominium Management in New Orleans

Protecting your property against holiday accidents can save lives and thousands in damages. Hire Certain Management, condominium management in New Orleans, to help you develop and implement holiday safety tips and ensure your procedures are up to date.

Contact Certain Management today to discuss your property management needs in the greater New Orleans area. 

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